Any Type of Loans

Replicate simple or more complex loan types

Implement various schemes for a broader customer reach 

Fix instalment plans or interest rate based pricing

Any interests rates within flexible duration

Book value and mark-up configuration

Min/max Loan-To-Value ratios

% based or lump sum deposits

Loan schedule visualisation and adaptation

Portfolio Management

Benefit from comprehensive portfolio management tools

Improve repayment rates through precise monitoring, automated reminders and penalties

Automated payment reminders through bulk sms

Late fee penalties and grace periods

Early repayment rewards with loan adaptation

Repossession or contract transfer flows

Request to pay for mobile money payments

Lock/unlock functionality for PayGo financed assets

Unique customer identifiers for precise payment identification

Portfolio health analytics

Customer Validation

Streamline customer validation with detailed KYC procedures

Implement customizable scoring and approval steps to improve overall portfolio quality

Simple or advanced KYC questionnaires

More than 15 different data types

Weighted scoring for customizable credit scores

Approval steps for manual or automated validation

Open APIs to integrate to credit check providers

The right product for agent management needs

Upya Collect

Upya Collect meets the needs of distributors who enter into a new market or geographical area and enables accurate data collection and lead generation by gathering and analysing any type of data

Offline | Online data collection via smartphone

15+ question types in any language

Allows to build sales funnel and start selling

Upya Grow

Upya Grow meets the needs of distributors of any assets with embedded flexibility, modularity and possibilities for scaling up your B2C business

Centralised management of customers, field agents, payments and inventory

No code skills needed

Scales with your business

Upya Flows

Upya Flows meets the needs of operators that manage complex and repetitive processes across teams in HQ and the field

Workflows creation and control

Intuitive UX/UI for effortless flows

Tasks and Tickets for team coordination

| 1,100+ сlients base

People got access to safe drinking water

| 100% repayment history

A smooth customer management reduces the risk of abandonment

| 9+ entities all across Kenya

The company enjoys Upya’s entity structure to operate in different regions

| Vertical

The level of professionalism of the support team and the ease of adoption helped Aqua Clara to start using Upya faster and to manage customers better